We're the Finance & Consulting Club of Jadavpur University.

With 6000+ alumni in business development and consulting, 3700+ in operations, 2400+ in sales and marketing, and 900+ in finance, Jadavpur University continues to create leaders and changemakers at the forefront of global business.

We provide students with a platform for upskilling and professional growth, and help them realise their dreams.

The story of FinClub is a story of change.

FinClub's journey started on a random October afternoon in 2021 with a small group of students who would not stop before making their dream a striving reality, and since then there has been no looking back. This is the story of the largest community of finance, investment, consulting and analytics enthusiasts in Jadavpur University.

We're a unique community, the first of its kind in JU.

We aim to foster an ecosystem of growth and learning within the student community, prepare them for careers in finance and consulting by providing them with reliable and exhaustive resources, conducting training sessions and organizing networking events with alumni and industry professionals, in line with our vision to empower and educate future business leaders.

We take pride in our numbers.

Since its inception, the Finance & Consulting Club has grown significantly and established its presence in every department across all faculties, and is now home to the largest network of finance, investment, consulting and analytics enthusiasts in Jadavpur University.













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Our newsletter contains carefully curated educational content, experiences shared by alumni, articles and opinion pieces written by club members, notes and insights on business topics, seasoned with book reviews and occasional tips and tricks on college life, career and beyond.